I am back again!!here to post he second part!!
......Because Dad's disease was from the tanker-said the doctor, the company spent all the expenditures including medicines. Dad got the results that day called biopsy, I was a stupid boy that day and I asked How about dad's biopsy(fart!). They laughed hard and loud then after we got home i checked it on our Dictionary!Whahaha..Im so embarassed! The biopsy says that Dad's polyp was cancerous and needs immediate action before the cancer cell spreads throughout his nose and face. After a week of examinations, he got back to the operating room, there his bone on his left nose was chopped!OUCH! Now we were relieved that Da's nose was cancer free.
Dad made a demand to his company but is not that easy,after 2 months of hardwork he got his retirement fee and build his own business..Yes!those stinky chickens!At first i was happy because we only breed domestic chickens,no fights,no other necessities but food and some few medicines. But my Dad wasn't happy after all. He sold all of our chickens and changed it to gamefowl one.
A year after the number of chickens were tripled but guess what our bank account was sinking fastly. Dad got addictive or maybe too busy for his chickens that he had no time for us.He got addictive to his hobby-therapy,he called,he doesnt attend our worshipping service which is our family's tradition every week.
Well everything changed, Dad was always Hot-headed because we are near to bankcruptcy.
We already sold our car for 500,000php (10,000usd) just to maintain his business. But nothing happened after 3 months the car was gone,also the money! I was mad at him, if he chose his business wisely then we'll not end like this!
Everyday, here at our house, there's an argument between mom and dad, sometimes dad and me. Dad talks about money, but we do not consider money on running our lives, mon and I talks about respect to your family. I was taller than mom now and I know I can protect her from dad's harsh words. I knew how to fight though he slaps me on the face whenever I voice-out! But I was numb. I was hurrying up for my life, I want to be independent and stand on my own.
Last march i got my certificate of graduation and I'm ready for my college studies..
As of now, Dad was still here.Mom will fly to Dubai to work for my studies!GoodLuck to us..
maybe someday, I will forgive him for what he had done to us. But still I love him as a father.
and anytime he needs me I'll always be here for him..
^^,the end!