Lonely Day Last eight of May!
The Grandest day of my life is MAy 8.
Know why?
Oh c'mmon it was my birthday...
there were friends who greeted me warmly, some touching, some hysterically..
others called me at the phone....
thanks for them, they made me really happy!yah!
But what made me lonely is I'm not with my mom!
the story goes beyond so far..
so here it goes!
If you read my previous posts, you'll know that my Dad was hot-headed always!Always, if there's an argument between him and Mom..you must run for your safety!hahaha!
So he got me!Punch me at the back of the head!Ouch!Then he's not happy with tha, he added a kick on my stomach!Ouch again!
Of course I will fight, that's not fair!hehehe...
I didn't actually fought physically but I fought with words of dignity!
I told him why he's done that! HE SAID I LOST RESPECT!whatda?
Me?Lost respect?
He has lost respect to us..both Mom and I!
After that he got a long branch of a tree, shorter than 1m.
Then,Before he will hit me, Mom came!!
Unluckily, Ma was also hit on her breasts.Ouch3x!
I was hit on the ribs!!Ouch 8x!
Well then..That day was on may 7-the day before my grand day!
I did not go home nor sleep with them.
I slept together with my lovely cousins!
The following morning it was my birthday and I was lonely, also for Mom.
Because what happened yesterday was so traumatic!
but its over!
im fine, though it took a week before my ribs had healed!
So, who won't got lonely if that will happen!
Good thing..My cousins treat me to Starbucks!