Milk causes Acne on teens.
This is an old news..but I want to share it with my buddies..especially teenagers..
Milk is an oopaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands.It is a primary source of nutrition because it contains calcium, saturated fat, protein as well as Vitamin C.
We teenagers have been warned not too eat foods like peanuts.Duh!Its not true. But this one's a fact.Almost a pint of a milk can cause acnes on our skin.Grows!Those who drink milk everyday has a 50% chance of having large acnes and spots. Research suggests that we should take Vitamins rather than a glass milk everyday as a substitute of milk.Cream and cottage cheeses also raised the risk of the condition, however, chips, chocolate and pizza did not.
Well the cause is produces hormones that naturally nourish spots by making skin greasy and blocking pores.Sigh!All I can say is I love milk though!